Thursday, October 14, 2010

Google AdSense Tips

Google just released a Newbie Central for their AdSense program, those ads webmasters can include on their site to earn money for every click on the ad from a visitor (if you're using the program, part of the advertiser budget will go to you, and the other part to Google). I wanted to add some tips from my own experience:

1) Remove the Adsense Border. By default, the Adsense units are surrounded by a border with a text box at the top that says "Ads by Gooooogle". You goal is to work the Adsense units into your content as seamlessly as possible, so get rid of the borders. Now, Google won't allow you to delete the borders, but they do allow you to control the colors of nearly every element of an Adsense unit. Simply make the border the same color as the background of your website. This goes for the background color of the Adsense unit as well, change it to match the background color of your webpage.

2) Use Rectangular Box Sizes for your Adsense Units. Like most people, when I first started with Adsense, I primarily used the horizontal skyscraper, you know, the one that looks like a banner. The problem is people have developed an advertising sensory overload, they don't even see banner ads anymore, they visually tune them out. You need to make your Adsense unit blend in with your content, so use rectangular boxes. I get the best response with the 336X280 box size. Most languages are read from left to right, so try to place your rectangular Adsense unit in a table aligned to the right of your text.

3) It's all about the colors. Google gives you an incredible amount of leeway with the colors you can select for your Adsense units. Use this to your favor, in addition to changing the border and background color, change the link and URL color as well. Most people are accustomed to clickable links being blue, so make sure your Adsense links are blue, with one exception: if you use a different link color on your site, change the Adsense links to match that color. At the bottom of each Adsense unit there is the URL for website paying for that ad. You want to draw attention away from the URL and towards the clickable link, change the color of the link to match the body color of the ad, generally black.

Just follow these 3 simple guidelines and I assure you, your CTR will skyrocket. Keep adding more original, relevant content to your site, increase your targeted traffic, and watch your Adsense revenue explode.

For more details visit Google AdSense Tips...